For our first date of Project 52 Micah and I put Lottie to bed early and talked about our goals for 2011. We listed personal goals so that we can hold each other accountable as well as family goals! This was a neat time to focus on the future of our family and get on the same page as we move into a new year! I won't list Micah's goals without his permission but I'll share a few of my own...
-Take more time for myself: I am going to attempt to take at least 30 minutes a week to take a relaxing bath! I think I'll be a much nicer wife and mommy if I take a break every now and then!
Cook at least 3 new recipes a month: I did this once before and it was really fun to cook new things and sure does break up the monotony that my kitchen often falls into! Hopefully many will be yummy and I can share!
Read at least 2 books a month: I LOVE to read, but I have not read a single book since Lottie was is time to get back at it!! So, if you know of any good books, send them my way!!
Additionally, we made the following resolutions together:
Read 2 New Testament Chapters and 1 Old Testament Chapter each day and we can discuss them at our weekly dates
Exercise for 30 min three times a week
Be less "head down": we resolved to take our phones upstairs and leave them for the night as soon as we get home from work. Now that we have smart phones it is easy to find ourselves "head down" most of the evening instead of talking or enjoying family time.
As for our family, we committed to the following things:
Family time: we will have at least 2 thirty minute times of "play" time in the floor with Lottie during each work week. It easy during our busy weeks to just hurry to the end and this is time we will commit to fun when all three of us can wrestle, play, etc
Encouragement: We are sure of the ins and outs of this resolution but our goal is to set up some type of system for us to encourage and lift one another up. This will be a practical way of living out the gospel to one another, showing grace and recognizing faithfulness!
Be more social: We love hosting in our home and we have always had friends over regularly, but since Lottie's entrance into our family we have gotten lax and our home hasn't been as welcoming. We resolved to having friends over at least 1 time a month. This commitment will allow us to host our friends, build community, and have fun!!
There were several other goals we set for ourselves and family but these are just the highlights! I feel like these goals are pretty well rounded and I am really excited about working towards these commitments this year! We recognize that we will probably fail at each of these at some point this year but that is what grace is for! Isn't that one of the purposes of resolutions after all---to show us our inablity to do anything without the grace of God?
So, I'll attempt to post about our progress...and feel free to hold us accountable!! Bring it on 2011!!