Friday, December 31, 2010

Top 10 of 2010

As 2010 comes to a close Micah and I were talking today about all of the events and moments that made our year great! As we reflect on our year we are reminded of the Lord's faithfulness and provisions as well as His rich love for us!

My friend Sharon did a top 10 for the year and I decided I would steal her idea. 2010 was an amazing year in many ways for our family but here are our Top 10:

10.Weekend getaway to Greensboro in September: I had an Audiology conference that I attended for work. The conference was a 2 day event in Greensboro which is about 2 hours away at a nice hotel. Instead of leaving Lottie and Micah for a night I invited them to join me! We had so much fun as a little mini-vacation for our family!

9. NC State Fair: I feel like the NC State Fair might make our families top 10 list every year! I've already blogged about it in detail but it is truly one of our FAVORITE parts of living in NC! What a fun "family date"

8. Memorial day weekend with Dad: Memorial Day weekend my dad was able to come up and stay for a few days! We had the best time--Lottie was a fun age and happy, we got her amazing 4 month pictures made, and we had a really yummy family cookout.

7. Auburn Football Success... I don't think I even need to explain this one..but we sure have had fun this football season!

6. Finding out we are going to have a niece or nephew! Will and Bekah announced in April that they are adopting a sweet baby from Ethiopia! We have so enjoyed watching them go through the process and we are anxiously waiting on the arrival of this sweet new addition to our family!

5. Moving to a new house: We were so lucky to be able to move into a new house this year...a much bigger house with the same amazing landlords!

4. Our new church: During the summer we joined New Covenant Fellowship. What a blessing this new family has already been to our family!

3. Micah got a new job: In March Micah was promoted to a full time position at the Seminary as an assistant registrar! This promotion was a huge provision for our family!

2. Celebrating 5 years of marriage by a hot air balloon ride: In July, Micah and I celebrated our 5th anniversary! One of my dreams has always been to ride in a hot air balloon and Micah made it happen! We spent nearly an entire hour a mile in the air in a colorful balloon!! We had a blast!

1. January 15, 2010: The birth of our sweet sweet baby girl! I can't describe how much we love her and I can't imagine our family without her! 2010 was full of joy as we have watched her grow from a tiny 5lb baby into a silly 11 month old full of energy. She is such a delight as she toddles around our home and giggles and smiles her way into our hearts! We began 2010 with her entrance into the world and the rest of the year followed bringing a year full of blessings!!

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